Monday, October 1, 2012

Slowing Down

I love a new month, it feels like it is a new beginning. This month I vow to slow down. Not necessarily because I want to, but because my soul needs me to. Last month's theme seemed to be, "Full Steam Ahead". Was great at first, but then I became overwhelmed and felt like I couldn't complete any of the 1000 things I was trying to do.

This month's theme I vow to make, "Slow down." Write for the sake of writing, learn for the sake of learning, read for the love of reading. In my children's lives, I need to reflect this as well. What am I teaching those kids of mine if I'm constantly nagging them to hurry? Do I want them to end up like me? I don't think so.

I have a lifetime to learn what I need to, write what I want to, and be who I need to be.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Introducing Adrienne the Blogger (again)

Hola out there!

Well here I go again at an attempt to blog. I previously had a blog set up. I even had a few posts, granted none of them were great, but I was officially blogging. So what happened? Well, for starters, I had no clue what I was doing. I must admit that I still don't, but this time I am going to learn thanks to Google Blogger for Dummies. I deleted my entire blog account and decided to start from scratch  because I couldn't figure out how to get rid of a blog I was following by accident. I regret deleting my entire account but time to move forward.

I usually catch on pretty quickly to technology. I have a smart phone, I can text, e-mail, and Facebook with the best of them. But for some reason, blogging hasn't been as easy for me to catch on. Is this a sign that I'm getting old? I certainly hope not!

But, I'm interested in blogging, so I will keep trying til I get it right.

So why am I blogging you ask? Well, that is a great question that I hope to answer. Because I enjoy writing, and think it would be fun to write with the hope of one day having someone who would like to read what I write. Which means I probably should have something interesting written and I'm not sure if this would count as something interesting. But I must start somewhere right?

So here goes round 2 of my blogging hobby.